Keyword: pedagogical competence

3 articles found.

Research Article

A Model for the Education of a Student of a Vocational Pedagogical Educational Institution Through the Gaming Simulation

Maria V. Fominykh, Bella A. Uskova, Valentina V. Mantulenko, Olga N. Kuzmina, Elena N. Shuravina

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 8, 2016, 2814-2840

Research Article

Formation of the Noxologic Educational Environment in Elementary School: Application of Moderation Technology

Leysan R. Kayumova

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 4, 2016, 779-786

Research Article

The Development of the Student as a Person of Culture in the Context of Multicultural Education in Non-Language High School by Means of a Foreign Language

Irina G. Kondrateva, Natalia Y. Madakina, Natalia G. Sigal, Agzam A. Valeev

INT ELECT J MATH ED, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2016, 57-69